Free Yourself From Your Website

Truly Fully Managed WordPress Hosting


Let us take care of your WordPress hosting AND Maintenance.
Focus on your website content and your business.


We manage your WordPress Core and Plugin updates for you. Out of date plugins and WordPress core files are one of the biggest sources of hacking. We keep your site up to date for you. You have peace of mind knowing your website is always up to date.



We monitor the status of your website every minute of everyday. If your website goes down, we immediately check if the issue is server or update related, and take action to get you back up and running.


Back Ups

We keep your website automatically backed up. You have local hourly backups, and nightly offsite backups. Snapshot Failover servers are available as an option.


VPS Hosting
Fast | Secure | Dedicated Resources

A Virtual Private Server is your own firewalled space on fast high frequency solid sate drives with a hardened NGINX operating system. This provides speed, dedicated resources, and security.

Why not shared hosting? With shared hosting you are sharing your server, IP address, CPU, and bandwidth resources with many other websites. You are vulnerable to the neighboring websites if they get hacked or blacklisted, and your website may be affected. With shared resources, your website performance will suffer during busy times on the shared server.



Free Lets Encrypt SSL is included with every plan so your website shows as https://. Locked down NGINX infrastructure secures your operating system, and we add tools to prevent hacks from other points of entry in your WordPress installation.



Your website needs grow as your business grows. We support increasing resources and storage by cloning to updated servers to meet your growing needs. You experience little to no downtime.


Exit Strategy

We never want to see you go, but we strive to make the steps to move your hosting as transparent as possible.


It’s Time to Set Yourself Free

Go Free


SEO Tools

We setup Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster, and Yoast SEO for your website.

Email with G Suite

For the best security and performance, we do not host email on the same server as your website. We can set up your email through G Suite for you.

Speed Optimization

While our standard package includes server caching and high frequency servers, you may want to further enhance your site speed. We provide a CDN/caching/minification package to make your site speed fly.

High Availability Package

For the upmost in site reliability you can add a backup server with snapshot fail-over, and server level DDoS protection.

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